Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS Therapy) Requirements

Welche Demenz-Patienten können mit der TPS® behandelt werden?

TPS-Therapie - Voraussetzung - MRT - Kontraindikationen - Neuroinstitut MünchenTranscranial pulse stimulation (TPS®) is used to treat the central nervous system in Alzheimer’s dementia and other forms of dementia. According to studies, it is particularly suitable for patients suffering from mild to moderate dementia.

If Alzheimer’s dementia or a mixed form of dementia is already more advanced, we determine on an individual basis whether TPS® can still be used to alleviate the symptoms.

A prerequisite for TPS® treatment at the Neuroinstitut München is an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the skull, which should not be older than six months. We need this MRI to carry out the therapy, but also to exclude some contraindications for which TPS® may not be used.


Some brain tumours, cortisone therapies up to six weeks before TPS treatment or metal objects in the head region are possible contraindications.

You can find more detailed information and answers about TPS therapy, for example, at the following link: